My new Video Support Series which I began filming this summer, guides students through their exam repertoire, to help with their practice.

Designed to support both my online and in person tuition, each video is a professional demonstration of a current exam syllabus piece, with accompanying technical and musical tips.

The music score is also incorporated for students to follow along as they watch.

The piano parts are also available as separate backing tracks to download, so students can practice along at home in preparation for their exam.


I have deliberately filmed each video and backing track to support students needs and help them feel their exam goals are achievable.

So there’s no flashy playing with lots of unnecessary hair flinging and over the top vibrato!

Just clear concise technique, easy to follow instructions and realistic tempi that inspire students to fulfil their true potential.


Currently the Video Series is available in ABRSM Initial to Grade 2 Syllabus, 2020-2023.

The equivalent Trinity syllabus will be added in the New Year.

And then we’ll continue to add both syllabuses up to Grade 5, throughout 2022.

Plus they’ll be a beginner series eventually too!

It’s been such fun to film so far, and huge thanks go to Jane Browne for her fantastic piano playing, and my cello student Duncan Martin for filming us!

The Video Support series is available for Vivace subscribers.